
Showing posts from September, 2020

Enviro jaana tha yaar!

Well, the title is one of the many frustrations/regrets that I have had in my college life. That's a (not so happy)story for another day, unlike this, where I describe my only 2 happynings of this lockdown. One of them was today, technically yesterday though.  1. Firstly, it was Prachi getting a PPO, I think of myself as someone who falls more in the jealous side, as a person, though not in case of a special someone or a few special friends. I do get happy for these lot of people, not a hell lot of happy, but not jealous for sure. But in this case, I was particularly rhapsodic after I nervously opened the image that came in my branch's Whatsapp group and read "Tata Steel PPO". It came at a pretty good time. Just the few days before the results came out, I had been pondering over the fact whether this lockdown has made me detached from people(especially her of course) and vice versa, turns out.... not really, I have never been this ecstatic for anyone else other than m

New Beginnings

 So now, the background(default) is set. Coincidentally there are snow clad, high mountains in the default background, something which fascinates me so much, even more so after my trip to Sikkim this March. A fairly novice writer, I intend to improve my writing with every blog and be regular as well, something which I have barely ever been about anything in my life.  Hope this blog brings about the intended changes, LETS GO!