Enviro jaana tha yaar!
Well, the title is one of the many frustrations/regrets that I have had in my college life. That's a (not so happy)story for another day, unlike this, where I describe my only 2 happynings of this lockdown. One of them was today, technically yesterday though. 1. Firstly, it was Prachi getting a PPO, I think of myself as someone who falls more in the jealous side, as a person, though not in case of a special someone or a few special friends. I do get happy for these lot of people, not a hell lot of happy, but not jealous for sure. But in this case, I was particularly rhapsodic after I nervously opened the image that came in my branch's Whatsapp group and read "Tata Steel PPO". It came at a pretty good time. Just the few days before the results came out, I had been pondering over the fact whether this lockdown has made me detached from people(especially her of course) and vice versa, turns out.... not really, I have never been this ecstatic for anyone else other than m...