Enviro jaana tha yaar!

Well, the title is one of the many frustrations/regrets that I have had in my college life. That's a (not so happy)story for another day, unlike this, where I describe my only 2 happynings of this lockdown. One of them was today, technically yesterday though. 

1. Firstly, it was Prachi getting a PPO, I think of myself as someone who falls more in the jealous side, as a person, though not in case of a special someone or a few special friends. I do get happy for these lot of people, not a hell lot of happy, but not jealous for sure.

But in this case, I was particularly rhapsodic after I nervously opened the image that came in my branch's Whatsapp group and read "Tata Steel PPO". It came at a pretty good time. Just the few days before the results came out, I had been pondering over the fact whether this lockdown has made me detached from people(especially her of course) and vice versa, turns out.... not really, I have never been this ecstatic for anyone else other than me, I am fairly sure I was happier than she was not something unusual though, she doesn't get much happy neither does she ever get that sad either, one of the several qualities in her that I want to emulate. As someone who gets overwhelmed real easy, I am still far far away from it. 

In this sedentary and highly competitive era, I would like to slightly tweak and requote Darwin's theory as "Survival of the mentally fittest", which I think is more apt for this generation and I feel she ticks every box when it comes to that, and sincerely hope that it continues this way all through her life. As a person I really want to be like her, she epitomizes so many things for me, especially when it comes to the way of thinking(not over).

P.S. Mate she is not just mentally fit, she is "fit".;) 

2. Tejas sir, the only senior I have had during my college life till now and perhaps the only one I needed, shared a screenshot as his Whatsapp story in which he had written "Nothing can top the quiz club farewell", it meant a hell lot to me and made me super happy(again getting overwhelmed easy, at the same time trying not to :P). It doesn't sound that big to me either but as someone who did try to give his senior the best possible farewell and also probably because things really haven't been that great in the lockdown till now, it made me really happy and I am pretty sure the status would have elated Moin(the lynchpin of the farewell) and Harshit as well who were as or probably even more involved in the farewell, than I was. 

I would conclude my first post explaining the title(to don't know whom, I am honestly not writing this for anyone but me, the way in which I have written this might not suggest the same though). Prachi and Tejas sir, both these people have been pivotal figures in my college in my undergraduate life(I wish I get the final semester) and both of them are a part of the branch Environmental Engineering and had I got it changed, I probably would have got to spent some more time(which I toiled away in my Mining Machinery classes doing anything but studying) with them, hence the slightly regretful title. Not the complete story though, I don't think I would ever write a blog about it.

Learnings(not supposed to be a regular feature of the posts): Try being like Prachi, don't get overwhelmed easy or if possible ever.
Improve on the jealousy part, try not to think about what others have and you don't just be happy for everyone(a bit tough but certainly not impossible) just like you were that day.
You can try putting your heart and soul into something and more often than not, I suppose, if you have done the things right, you will get the desired outcome eventually, but at the same time don't overwhelm yourself with hope or trepidation about results of the same.

P.S. Attached below are the 2 images that lead to this post.
